
Showing posts from July, 2020

Ncert solutions class 8th / History: lesson --- Civilising the "Native ", Educating the Nation.

Chapter 8- Civilising the "Native", Educating the Nation Page No: 106 Let's Recall 1. Match the following: William Jones promotion of English education Rabindranath Tagore respect for ancient cultures Thomas Macaulay gurus Mahatma Gandhi learning in a natural environment Pathshalas critical of English education Answer William Jones respect for ancient cultures  Rabindranath Tagore learning in a natural environment  Thomas Macaulay promotion of English education  Mahatma Gandhi critical of English education  Pathshalas gurus Page No: 107 2.State whether true or false: (a) James Mill was a severe critic of the Orientalists. ► True  (b) The 1854 Despatch on education was in favour of English being  introduced as a medium of higher education in India. ► True  (c) Mahatma Gandhi thought that promotion of literacy was the most  important aim of education. ► False  (d) Rabindranath Tagore felt that children ought to be subjected to strict  discipline. ► F

NCERT Solutions class 8th science lesson: Pollution of water and air.

Q1 :  What are the different ways in which water gets contaminated?  Answer : Water gets contaminated by the addition of:  (i) Agricultural chemicals: Farmers use excessive amounts of pesticides and fertilizers to increase crop production. These  chemicals get carried away to the water bodies due to rains and floods which lead to water pollution.  (ii) Industrial wastes: Industries release harmful chemical wastes into water sources, thereby polluting them.  (iii) Sewage wastes: Waste materials from kitchens, toilets, and laundry sources are also responsible for contaminating water.  Q2 :  At an individual level, how can you help reduce air pollution?  Answer :  An individual can reduce air pollution by:  (i) Avoiding the use of cars as much as possible and by using public transport whenever possible.  (ii) By not using vehicles for short distances.  (iii) By using clean fuels such as LPG and CNG instead of diesel and petrol.  (iv) Always disposing the garbage properly and not burning i